티스토리 뷰
RACHEL CRANE (CNN CORRESPONDENT): Air conditioning accounts for 10 percent of all global electricity consumption and the demand for this type of cooling is expected to triple by 2050, which could strain already overworked electric grids.
- 삼중 혈관 우회 수술
- 3부로 된 심장 바이패스 수술
- 미국∙영국 [ɡrɪd]
- 1.명사 격자무늬
- 2.명사 (금속·목재로 된) 격자판 (→cattle grid)
- 3.명사 (지도에서 위치를 나타내기 위한) 기준선망
ELI GOLDSTEIN (CEO OF SKYCOOL): As it gets hotter, air conditioners, refrigeration systems need more energy to run. The more electricity we use for cooling, the more challenging it is to operate and provide electricity reliably.
- 1.형용사 믿을[신뢰할] 수 있는 (=dependable)
- 2.형용사 (옳을 것으로) 믿을 만한 (↔unreliable)
RACHEL CRANE: That’s why it’s the company SkyCool’s mission to make existing cooling systems run more efficiently by taking advantage of a phenomenon that exists in nature. All objects give off heat in the form of invisible infrared radiation. As heat leaves an object, it becomes cooler a process known as radiative cooling. But some objects can actually become colder than the air surrounding it. It’s part of a reason frost forms on grass even if the air temperature is above freezing, but this only happens at night. Once the sun rises, the grass eventually warms back up. So SkyKool designed a new material with radiative cooling properties that work 24 hours a day.
- (냄새·열·빛 등을) 내다[발하다]
- 증기를 뿜다
- 연기를 내다
- 물리 방사성 포획 ((원자핵이 중성자 따위 입자를 포획함))
ELI GOLDSTEIN: The radiative cooling... in the sense that we’re doing has really never been out there before. The effect is never observed during the day, and by enabling it with these films that we’ve developed you can now use this type of cooling even when it's under direct sunlight.
RACHEL CRANE: Developed using modern nanotechnology, the film has hundreds of tiny optical layers designed to emit the specific wavelength of radiation that maximizes cooling. But it’s also highly reflective, absorbing little energy so it stays cool even under the sun.
- 1.형용사 시각적인
- 2.형용사 시력을 보완하는, 광학의
- 3.형용사 컴퓨터 (읽기·정보 저장에) 빛[영상]을 이용한[광(학)–]
ELI GOLDSTEIN: That combination of properties has never been found in nature.
Word & Expression
1. account for ~을 차지하다
2. electricity 전기
3. consumption 소비, 소모
4. triple 세 배가 되다
5. strain 압박하다
6. overworked 과부하가 걸린
7. electric grid 전력망
8. challenging 힘든, 어려운
9. reliably 안정적으로
10. efficiently 효율적으로
11. phenomenon 현상
12. invisible 눈에 보이지 않는
13. infrared radiation 적외선
14. radiative cooling 방사성 냉각: 사물의 표면이 기온보다 더 차가워지는 현상.
15. optical layer 광학층(光學層)
16. wavelength 단파
17. reflective 반사하는
평일 매일 업로드되는 5가지 주제(비즈니스, 연예, 스포츠, 세계, 미국)의 CNN뉴스 영상과 기사에서 현지 아나운서의 정확한 발음과 완성도 높은 문장을 통해 영어 듣기, 읽기, 말하기, 쓰기를 학
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