New Type of Cooling System for Buildings - Part 1
Transcript RACHEL CRANE (CNN CORRESPONDENT): Air conditioning accounts for 10 percent of all global electricity consumption and the demand for this type of cooling is expected to triple by 2050, which could strain already overworked electric grids. triple 미국∙영국 [ˈtrɪpl] 어휘등급 1.형용사 3부로 된, 3자[개]로 이뤄진 2.형용사 3배의 3.동사 3배가 되다, 3배로 만들다 (=treble) 옥스퍼드 영한사전 triple jump 명사 3단 뛰기 옥스퍼드 영한사전 a triple bypass ..
2021. 12. 10. 15:18