[22.07.04] Yoon Appoints Education Minister and JCS Chairman without Hearings
President Yoon Suk Yeol has approved the appointments of the nominees for education minister and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff(JCS) without parliamentary confirmation hearings. nominee 미국식 [│nɑːmɪ│niː] 영국식 [│nɒmɪ│niː] 1. [명사] (직책·수상자 등에) 지명[추천]된 사람, 후보 2. [명사][상업] (투자금 등의) 명의자 parliamentary 미국식 [│pɑːrlə│mentri] 영국식 [│pɑːlə│mentri] 중요[형용사] 의회의, 의회가 있는 (→unparliamentary) parliament (pa..
KBS World
2022. 7. 4. 16:21