티스토리 뷰
[EXCLUSIVE] 22.07.12. Samsung going bigger in Texas with site enlargement plan
반짝 쫑쫑 2022. 7. 13. 14:00Samsung Electronics has applied to add land to the site of its Taylor, Texas, chip manufacturing site, increasing the footprint by almost 14 percent.
footprint 미국∙영국 [ˈfʊtprɪnt] 영국식 중요
1. [명사] (사람·동물의) 발자국
2. [명사] (무엇이) 차지하는 공간
3. [명사] (통신 위성의) 지상 수신 범위
footprint [명사] 건물이 차지하는 공간
footprint [명사] 건물이 차지하는 공간
ecological footprint[명사] 생태 발자국
carbon footprint 미국식 탄소 발자국 ((온실 효과를 유발하는 이산화탄소의 배출량))
The Korean chip maker has filed a request with the city clerk to enlarge the boundaries of the existing investment zone, according to the documents on the City of Taylor website.
chipmaker 미국∙영국 [-mèikər] [명사] 칩메이커, 반도체 (소자) 제조업자
file a request청원서를 제출하다.
make[file] a request요청을 하다
enlarge 미국식 [ɪn│lɑːrdʒ] 영국식 [ɪn│lɑːdʒ] 중요
1. [동사] 확대[확장]하다, 확대[확장]되다
2. [동사] (사진·문서를) 확대하다
large (enlarge) 미국식 [lɑːrdʒ] 영국식 [lɑːdʒ] 중요
1. [형용사] (규모가) 큰, (양이) 많은
2. [형용사] (Abbr.) L. (여러 가지 치수로 나오는 상품 중에서) 대형의[큰]
3. [형용사] (범위가) 큰, 광범위한
enlarge on/upon something(이미 언급한 것을) 더 상세히 말하다[쓰다] (=elaborate)
Two filings listed the expansion of investment zone as an agenda item for a city council meeting set for July 14.
The new land area totals 176.76 acres (71.5 hectares), the documents said, an equivalent to 13.9 percent of the existing 1,268-acre site.
equivalent 미국∙영국 [ɪˈkwɪvələnt] 영국식 중요
1. [형용사] (가치·의미·중요도 등이) 동등한[맞먹는]
2. [명사] (…에) 상당[대응]하는 것, 등가물
"Samsung has submitted a request to amend the boundaries of the existing Reinvestment Zone # 2, to incorporate more properties purchased after the original ordinance was passed in September," the documents read.
ordinance 미국식 [│ɔːrdɪnəns] 영국식 [│ɔːdɪnəns] 중요[명사][격식] 법령, 조례
revise an ordinance법령을 뜯어고치다
a municipal ordinance시 조례
the Wage Control Ordinance임금 통제령
the Price Control Ordinance물가 통제령
"This only expands the footprint of the zone and makes the new properties eligible for any abatements," they read.
expand 미국∙영국 [ɪkˈspænd] 영국식 중요
1. [동사] 확대[확장/팽창]되다, 확대[확장/팽창]시키다 (↔contract)
2. [동사] (사업이[을]) 확장되다[시키다]
3. [동사] 말을 덧붙이다[더 상세히 하다]
eligible 미국∙영국 [ˈelɪdʒəbl] 영국식 중요
1. [형용사] (자격·연령 등의 조건이 맞아서) …을 가질[할] 수 있는 (↔ineligible)
2. [형용사] 신랑[신부]감으로 좋은
an eligible bachelor좋은 신랑감
to be eligible for parole가석방 자격이 있다[대상이 되다]
be eligible (for)자격이 있다
be qualified[eligible, competent] (for)적격이다
Samsung Electronics filed an application for a soon-to-expire tax incentive program in Texas in May.
In Durban last year, climate negotiators from around the world agreed to extend the Kyoto Protocol soon to expire.
출처: 에듀타임즈지난해 더반에서, 세계 각국에서 온 기후 협상자들은 교토 의정서 (곧 만료될)를 연장하기로 합의했습니다.
I have to renew my passport because it's due to expire soon.
출처: NE능률곧 만기가 되기 때문에 여권을 갱신해야 해요.
The Suwon, Gyeonggi-based chipmaker plans to custom manufacture high-performing system-on-chips. The selection of the location is intended to get a better access to big clients, like Qualcomm and Tesla.

Construction site of the Samsung Electronics manufacturing facility in Taylor, Texas [YONHAP]
Underground utilities are being installed and building foundations are being established for the factory, which will sit on 138 acres of land.
A groundbreaking, which was supposed to have been held in the first quarter of 2022, has not been announced.
groundbreaking 미국∙영국 [ˈɡraʊndbreɪkɪŋ] 미국식 [ˈɡraʊndbreɪkɪŋ] 영국식 [형용사] 신기원을 이룬, 획기적인
ground breaking (ceremony)기공(식).
ground-breaking 출처: 위키낱말사전[Adjective] (idiomatic) innovative, different than other things of its type.
a groundbreaking piece of research신기원을 이룬 연구물
groundbreaking ceremony[명사] 기공식
The company's plan to expand the size of the project site comes at a tricky time for chip manufacturers.
With weaker demand and a delay in the allocating of funds for the CHIPS Act in the United States, TSMC and Intel are postponing the building of their facilities in the country or delaying construction.
Intel said that its $20 billion project in Ohio is being put on hold because Congress has dragged its feet on funding, while a TSMC board member warned of delay.
put on hold~을 보류, 연기하다
put ... on hold ~을 보류하다, ~을 연기하다
Notice of Late Payments and Deliveries Put on Hold늦은 결제에 대한 배송 보류
on hold 미국식
1. 보류된[연기된]
2. (통화 중인 사람을) 기다리게 하는
"The addition of the land appears to be based on more long-term perspectives," said Jeong In-seong, a semiconductor specialist who authored "The Future of the Semiconductor Empire."
author 미국∙영국 [ˈɔːθə(r)] 영국식 중요
1. [명사] 작가, 저자
2. [명사] (계획 등의) 입안자
3. [동사][격식] 쓰다, 저술하다
"As the pace of construction in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi, shows, Samsung has shown a very flexible approach in adjusting production after it acquired a massive plot of land," Jeong said, projecting that the Taylor plants will produce chips marketed 5 nanometers or smaller.
Samsung Electronics started production of 3-nanometer chips last month in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi.
BY PARK EUN-JEE [park.eunjee@joongang.co.kr]
[EXCLUSIVE] Samsung going bigger in Texas with site enlargement plan (joins.com)
[EXCLUSIVE] Samsung going bigger in Texas with site enlargement plan
Samsung Electronics has applied to add land to the site of its Taylor, Texas, chip manufacturing site, increasing the footprint by almost 14 percent.