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22.08.06 AP뉴스 받아쓰기

반짝 쫑쫑 2022. 8. 7. 10:30

AP 영어뉴스 받아쓰기 :: 해커스영어 (hackers.co.kr)


AP 영어뉴스 받아쓰기 :: 해커스영어

영자신문,ap뉴스,영문기사,영어뉴스로 매일 무료제공! 영어공부 혼자하기! 영어듣기와 영문법 실력을 늘려보세요!


20220806_Fake Account.mp3


For more than a decade, US Bank pressured its employees to open fake accounts in their customers' names in order to meet unrealistic sales goals . The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says the case is deeply similar to the sales practices scandal uncovered at Wells Fargo several years ago. The CFPB says that US Bank accessed consumers' credit reports to open checking and savings accounts, credit cards, and lines of credit without their permission . Employees were encouraged to do so in order to meet the bank’s goals of selling multiple products to each customer with the bank. US Bank was forced to pay $37.5 million in fines and penalties and will have to refund customers any fees they paid for the fake accounts. I'm Lisa Dwyer.

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